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On the battlefronts of the Spanish Civil War

Black and white photo of Paul Robeson, shown in the foreground standing beneath a palm tree beside a young African American man who is a volunteer with the International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War. Robeson wears a light-colored suit with vest, striped tie, and English cap. The volunteer wears a dark, buttoned jacket. In the background is a Spanish colonial-style building with a white-wood balcony railing.

At a hospital base near Valencia, Spain, with an African American solider of the International Brigade. Sometimes under artillery and machine-gun fire, Robeson visited the shifting battlefronts to bolster the fighting spirit of the Republicans and their Communist allies with his songs. He befriended African American volunteers in the war against the fascist army of Generalissimo Francisco Franco.


“Robeson, Paul,” University of Michigan Library Digital Collections, accessed from, January 10, 2022.